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Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
xe vực ngựa (tập cho ngựa kéo xe)
xe ngựa không mui
sự gãy, sự kéo, sự đứt, sự ngắt
chỗ vỡ, chỗ nứt, chỗ rạn
sự nghỉ, sự dừng lại, sự gián đoạn
không ngừng
(ngôn ngữ nhà trường) giờ nghỉ, giờ ra chơi, giờ giải lao
sự cắt đứt quan hệ, sự tuyệt giao
cắt đứt quan hệ với ai
sự lỡ lời; sự lầm lỗi
sự vỡ nợ, sự bị phá sản
sự thay đổi thời tiết
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) sự thụt giá thình lình
(thông tục) dịp may, cơ hội
gặp cơ hội thuận lợi, gặp may
(âm nhạc) sự đổi giọng; sự chuyển âm vực
mục xen vào chương trình rađiô (hoặc truyền hình) đang phát
tia hy vọng
bình minh, rạng đông
ngoại động từ bất quy tắc broke ; broken
làm gãy, bẻ gãy, làm đứt, làm vỡ, đập vỡ
bị gãy tay
đập vỡ cái tách
đập nhỏ những cục đất
động thổ, bắt đầu một công việc, khởi công, bắt đầu bao vây
cắt, ngắt, làm gián đoạn, ngừng phá
ngừng cuộc hành trình
phá tan sự yên lặng
giải mê, giải bùa
làm mất giấc ngủ
làm gián đoạn sự liên lạc bằng điện thoại
phá kỷ lục
xua tan, làm tan tác
phá bỏ hàng ngũ
xua tan những đám mây
bắt đầu dỡ hàng (trên tàu thuỷ)
xâm phạm, vi phạm
phạm luật
bội ước, không giữ lời hứa với ai
gây rối trật tự công cộng
truyền đạt, báo (tin)
truyền đạt ý kiến của mình cho...
báo tin
làm suy sụp, làm nhụt (ý chí...), làm mất hết
làm ai mất sức, làm ai suy nhược
làm ai mất hết can đảm
làm nhụt ý chí của ai
làm ai đau lòng
ăn hết tiền của nhà cái
(quân sự) tước quân hàm (lột lon) một sĩ quan
ngăn đỡ, làm yếu đi, làm nhẹ đi
ngăn dòng nước
đỡ một miếng đòn
đỡ cho khỏi bị ngã
làm cho thuần thục; tập luyện
tập ngựa
đập tan; đàn áp, trấn áp
đàn áp một cuộc nổi loạn
sửa chữa
sửa chữa cho ai một thói quen
mở, mở tung ra, cạy tung ra
xé lá thư
mở đường
vượt ngục
nội động từ
gãy, đứt, vỡ
cành cây gãy
nhọt vỡ
chạy tán loạn, tan tác
quân địch bỏ chạy tán loạn
ló ra, hé ra, hiện ra
trời bắt đầu hé sáng
thoát khỏi; sổ ra; ( (thể dục,thể thao)) buông ra (quyền Anh)
thoát khỏi sự ràng buộc của ai
trốn (chạy) thoát; sổ ra, sổ lồng
suy nhược, yếu đi; suy sụp, sa sút, phá sản
sức khoẻ của anh ta sút đi
anh ta đau lòng đứt ruột
một nhà buôn bị phá sản
thay đổi
thời tiết bắt đầu thay đổi
vỡ tiếng, nức nở, nghẹn ngào (tiếng nói)
hắn ta vỡ tiếng; giọng nói của anh ta nghẹn ngào (vì xúc động)
đột nhiên làm; phá lên
khóc oà lên
đột nhiên chồm lên phi nước đại (ngựa)
cắt đứt quan hệ, tuyệt giao
cắt đứt quan hệ với ai
phá mà vào, phá mà ra, xông vào nhà; phá cửa vào nhà, bẻ khoá vào nhà
phá ngục mà ra; vượt ngục
vượt qua mọi trở ngại
chọc thủng phòng tuyến của địch
sự bẻ khoá trèo tường vào nhà người khác để ăn trộm
trốn; thoát khỏi
rời bỏ một đảng phái, đoàn thể để lập một đảng, đoàn thể mới
tù nhân trốn thoát khỏi lính gác
Nhiều nghị sĩ Công Đảng đã ly khai để gia nhập Đảng dân chủ xã hội
Một tỉnh đã tách ra để lập một bang mới
đập vỡ, đạp tan, đạp đổ, xô đổ; sụp đổ, đổ vỡ tan tành
đạp đổ bức tường
đập tan sự kháng cự của quân địch
suy nhược, kiệt sức; làm sa sút, làm suy nhược (sức khoẻ, tinh thần...)
vỡ nợ, phá sản, thất cơ lỡ vận
bị pan, bị hỏng (xe cộ)
phân ra từng món (chi tiêu...); (hoá) phân nhỏ, phân tích
vỡ ra, nổ ra; vọt ra, bắn ra, tuôn ra
xông vào, phá mà vào (nhà...)
ngắt (lời); chặn (lời); cắt ngang (câu chuyện)
can thiệp vào
tập luyện (ngựa...); cho vào khuôn phép, dạy dỗ (trẻ con...)
rời ra, lìa ra, long ra, bị gãy rời ra
ngừng sững lại, đột nhiên ngừng lại, thôi
cắt đứt quan hệ, tuyệt giao
cắt đứt quan hệ với ai, tuyệt giao với ai
(về những sự kiện dữ dội) khởi phát bất thình lình
Chiến tranh bùng nổ năm 1939
Hoả hoạn bất thình lình xảy ra ban đêm
dùng vũ lực để trốn thoát khỏi nơi nào
vài tù nhân đã vượt ngục
bỗng nhiên bị cái gì phủ lên
mặt nó bỗng phát ban
anh ta bỗng toát mồ hôi lạnh (vì quá sợ)
bất thần biểu lộ cảm xúc mạnh
cô ta bỗng nổi xung lên
chạy toán loạn, tan tác, tản ra; giải tán (hội nghị, đám đông, mây...)
chia lìa, chia ly, lìa nhau
nghỉ hè (trường học)
sụt lở; làm sụt lở (đường sá)
thay đổi (thời tiết)
suy yếu đi (người)
đập vụn, đập nát
ăn ở nhà ai, được (ai) mời ăn
(xem) even
(xem) ice
(xem) lance
(xem) neck
nói (viết) sai ngữ pháp
(xem) wheel
Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
Hoá học
gẫy, vỡ; chỗ vỡ, chỗ rạn || làm đứt; đập; cắt; làm vỡ; rời
Kỹ thuật
sự phá huỷ; sự gãy, sự đứt; phá huỷ; làm gãy, làm đứt; ngắt đoạn; cắt rời ra
Sinh học
gẫy, vỡ; chỗ vỡ, chỗ rạn || làm đứt; đập; cắt; làm vỡ; rời
Tin học
ngắt, dừng Một tín hiệu do người sử dụng khởi xướng để ngưng quá trình xử lý hoặc thu nhận dữ liệu. Xem control break
Toán học
làm vỡ, đứt, rời ra
Vật lý
ngắt, kéo đứt
Xây dựng, Kiến trúc
sự nứt; sự gẫy; chỗ nứt, chỗ gẫy; đứt gãy nhỏ
Từ điển Anh - Anh


break (brāk) verb

broke (brōk), broken (brōʹkən), breaking, breaks


verb, transitive

1. To cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently; smash.

2. To divide into pieces, as by bending or cutting: break crackers for a baby.

3. To snap off or detach: broke a twig from the tree.

4. a. To fracture a bone of: I broke my leg. b. To fracture (a bone): I broke my femur.

5. To crack without separating into pieces.

6. a. To destroy the completeness of (a group of related items): broke the set of books by giving some away. b. To exchange for smaller monetary units: break a dollar.

7. To vary or disrupt the uniformity or continuity of: a plain that was broken by low hills; caught the ball without breaking stride.

8. Electricity. To open: break a circuit.

9. a. To force or make a way through; puncture or penetrate: The blade barely broke the skin. b. To part or pierce the surface of: a dolphin breaking water.

10. To cause to burst.

11. To force one's way out of; escape from: break jail.

12. a. To find an opening or flaw in: They couldn't break my alibi. b. To find the solution or key to; uncover the basic elements and arrangement of: break a code; break a spy ring.

13. To make known, as news: break a story.

14. To surpass or outdo: broke the league's home-run record.

15. To overcome (a force or resistance): break the sound barrier.

16. To put an end to by force or strong opposition, especially to end (a strike) by means other than negotiation.

17. To lessen in force or effect: break a fall.

18. To render useless or inoperative: We accidentally broke the radio.

19. To weaken or destroy, as in spirit or health; overwhelm with adversity: "For a hero loves the world till it breaks him" (William Butler Yeats).

20. To cause the ruin or failure of (an enterprise, for example): Indiscretion broke both marriage and career.

21. To reduce in rank; demote.

22. To cause to be without money or go into bankruptcy.

23. To fail to fulfill; cancel: break an engagement; break one's vacation plans.

24. To fail to conform to; violate: break the speed limit.

25. Law. To invalidate (a will) by judicial action.

26. a. To give up (a habit). b. To cause to give up a habit: They managed to break themselves of smoking.

27. To train to obey; tame: The horse was difficult to break.

verb, intransitive

1. To become separated into pieces or fragments.

2. To become cracked or split.

3. To become unusable or inoperative: The television broke.

4. To give way; collapse.

5. To burst: The blister has finally broken.

6. a. To become punctured or penetrated. b. To intrude on: They broke in upon a heady conversation. c. To filter in or penetrate: Sunlight broke into the room.

7. To become fractured.

8. To scatter or disperse; part: The clouds broke after the storm.

9. Games. To make the opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards or pool.

10. Sports. To separate from a clinch in boxing.

11. To move away or escape suddenly.

12. To come forth or begin from a state of latency; come into being or emerge: A storm was breaking over Miami. Crocuses broke from the soil.

13. To emerge above the surface of water.

14. To become known or noticed: The big story broke on Friday.

15. To change direction suddenly.

16. Baseball. To curve near or over the plate: The pitch broke away from the batter.

17. To change suddenly from one tone quality or musical register to another: My voice broke to a whisper.

18. Linguistics. To undergo breaking.

19. To change to a gait different from the one set. Used of a horse.

20. To interrupt or cease an activity: We'll break for coffee at ten.

21. To discontinue an association, an agreement, or a relationship: The partners broke over a financial matter. One hates to break with an old friend.

22. To diminish or discontinue abruptly: The fever is breaking.

23. To diminish in or lose physical or spiritual strength; weaken or succumb: Their good cheer broke after repeated setbacks.

24. To decrease sharply in value or quantity: Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs.

25. To come to an end: The cold spell broke yesterday.

26. To collapse or crash into surf or spray: waves that were breaking along the shore.

27. Informal. To take place or happen; proceed: Things have been breaking well for them.

28. To break dance.


1. The act or an occurrence of breaking.

2. The result of breaking, as a crack or separation.

3. A beginning or an opening: the break of day; a break in the clouds.

4. A sudden movement; a dash: The dog made a break toward the open field.

5. An escape: a prison break.

6. An interruption or a disruption in continuity or regularity: television programming without commercial breaks.

7. A pause or an interval, as from work: a coffee break.

8. A sudden or marked change.

9. A violation: a security break.

10. An often sudden piece of luck, especially good luck: finally got the big break in life.

11. Informal. a. An allowance or indulgence; accommodating treatment: The boss gave me a break because I'd been sick. b. A favorable price or reduction: a tax break for charitable contributions.

12. A severing of ties: made a break with the past; a break between the two families.

13. Informal. A faux pas.

14. A sudden decline in prices.

15. A caesura.

16. Printing. a. The space between two paragraphs. b. A series of three dots ( . . . ) used to indicate an omission in a text. c. The place where a word is or should be divided at the end of a line.

17. Electricity. Interruption of a flow of current.

18. Geology. A marked change in topography such as a fault or deep valley.

19. Nautical. The point of discontinuity between two levels on the deck of a ship.

20. Music. a. The point at which one register or a tonal quality changes to another. b. The change itself. c. A solo jazz cadenza played during the pause between the regular phrases or choruses of a melody.

21. A change in a horse's gait to one different from that set by the rider.

22. Sports. The swerving of a ball from a straight path of flight, as in baseball or cricket.

23. Sports. The beginning of a race.

24. Sports. The separation after a clinch in boxing.

25. Games. The opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards or pool.

26. Games. A run or unbroken series of successful shots, as in billiards or croquet.

27. Sports & Games. Failure to score a strike or a spare in a given bowling frame.

28. Also brake A high horse-drawn carriage with four wheels.

29. Break dancing.

phrasal verb.

break down

1. To cause to collapse; destroy: break down a partition; broke down our resolve.

2. a. To become or cause to become distressed or upset. b. To have a physical or mental collapse.

3. To give up resistance; give way: broke down and bought a new car; prejudices that break down slowly.

4. To fail to function; cease to be useful, effective, or operable: The elevator broke down.

5. To render or become weak or ineffective: Opposition to the king's rule gradually broke down his authority.

6. a. To divide into or consider in parts; analyze. b. To be divisible; admit of analysis: The population breaks down into three main groups.

7. To decompose or cause to decompose chemically.

8. Electricity. To undergo a breakdown.

break in

1. To train or adapt for a purpose.

2. To loosen or soften with use: break in new shoes.

3. To enter premises forcibly or illegally: a prowler who was trying to break in.

4. a. To interrupt a conversation or discussion. b. To intrude.

break into

1. To interrupt: "No one would have dared to break into his abstraction" (Alan Paton).

2. To begin suddenly: The horse broke into a wild gallop. The child broke into a flood of tears.

3. To enter (a field of activity): broke into broadcast journalism at an early age.

break off

1. To separate or become separated, as by twisting or tearing.

2. To stop suddenly, as in speaking.

3. a. To discontinue (a relationship). b. To cease to be friendly.

break out

1. To become affected with a skin eruption, such as pimples.

2. To develop suddenly and forcefully: Fighting broke out in the prison cells.

3. a. To ready for action or use: Break out the rifles! b. To bring forth for consumption: Let's break out the champagne.

4. To emerge or escape.

5. To be separable or classifiable into categories, as data.

6. To isolate (information) from a large body of data.

break through

To make a sudden, quick advance, as through obstruction or opposition. break up

1. a. To separate into pieces; divide: break up a chocolate bar. b. To interrupt the uniformity or continuity of: An impromptu visit broke up the long afternoon.

2. To scatter; disperse: The crowd broke up after the game.

3. To bring or come to an end: Guards broke up the fight. The marriage broke up.

4. Informal. To burst or cause to burst into laughter.



break a leg

Used to wish someone, such as an actor, success in a performance.

break bread

To eat together.

break camp

To pack up equipment and leave a campsite.

break cover

To emerge from a protected location or hiding place: The platoon broke cover and headed down the road.

break even

To gain an amount equal to that invested, as in a commercial venture.

break new ground

To advance beyond previous achievements: a company that broke new ground in the field of computers.

break (one's) neck

To make the utmost possible effort.

break rank or break ranks

1. To fall into disorder, as a formation of soldiers.

2. To fail to conform to a prevailing or expected pattern or order: "Architectural experts have criticized the plaza in the past because it breaks rank with the distinctive façades of neighboring Fifth Avenue blocks, whose buildings are flush with the sidewalk" (Sharon Churcher).

break (someone's) heart

To disappoint or dispirit severely.

break (someone's) service Sports

To win a game, as in tennis, served by one's opponent.

break the ice

1. To make a start.

2. To relax a tense or unduly formal atmosphere or social situation.

break wind

To expel intestinal gas.


[Middle English breken, from Old English brecan.]

Synonyms: break, crack, fracture, burst, split, splinter, shatter, shiver, smash. These verbs are compared as they mean to separate or cause to separate into parts or pieces. Break is the most general and like the other members of the set implies either the sudden application of force or the build-up of internal stress: a window broken by vandals; broke her leg; a delicate chair that will break under a great weight. To crack is to break, often with a sharp snapping sound, without dividing into parts: I cracked the platter when I knocked it against the table. The foundation of the house cracked during the earthquake. The soil cracked from the drought. Fracture applies to a break or crack in a rigid body: fractured her skull in the accident; a vertebra that fractured in the fall. Burst implies a sudden coming apart, especially from internal pressure, and the dispersion of contents: The child burst the balloon with a pin. Her appendix burst. Split refers to a division into sections longitudinally or along the direction of the grain: split the log with an ax; frost that caused the rock to split. Splinter implies splitting into long, thin, sharp pieces: The tree was struck by lightning and splintered. Repeated blows splintered the door. To shatter is to break into many loose scattered pieces: The bottle will shatter if you drop it. An exploding gas main shattered the tiles in the courtyard. Shiver is a term rarely encountered outside literary contexts; like shatter, it indicates sudden force that causes fragmentation: "Every statue was hurled from its niche . . . every painted window[was] shivered to atoms" (John Lothrop Motley). "The panels shivering in, like potsherds" (Thomas Carlyle). Smash stresses force of blow or impact and suggests complete destruction: My glasses slipped from my hand and smashed on the floor. The boat was smashed on the rocks. See also synonyms at demote, opportunity.

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
break (n)
  • disruption, breakdown, discontinuity, interruption, pause, halt, cessation, opportunity, opening, occasion
  • rest, respite, breather (informal), pause, coffee break, lunch break, tea break, sit-down
  • time off, vacation, weekend trip, trip, holiday, weekend break
  • interruption, pause, space, disruption, halt, stop
  • chance, opportunity, opening, occasion, leg up, way in, start
  • break (v)
  • smash, fracture, rupture, shatter, split, crack, sever
    antonym: mend
  • break down, stop working, fail, collapse, crash, bite the dust (informal), go kaput (informal), go down
  • infringe, violate, contravene, breach, disobey, be in breach of, fall foul of, disregard
    antonym: uphold
  • stop, end, interrupt, disturb, break into, cut into
  • take a break, break into, have a break, rest, stop, take a breather (informal), put your feet up, take it easy, relax, take five (informal), have time out
  • beat, surpass, exceed, top, better, crack
  • destroy, shatter, crush, overwhelm, defeat, rout
  • become known, make public, become public, disclose, get around, get out, be revealed, leak out
  • decipher, crack, decode, solve, unravel, unscramble
  • Từ thông dụng khác
    e [i:]
    dump ['dʌmp]
    portrait ['pɔ:treit]
    chemistry ['kemistri]
    compute [kəm'pju:t]
    meat [mi:t]