Từ điển
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Từ điển Anh - Việt
Tra từ
Hỏi đáp nhanh
3000 từ tiếng Anh thông dụng
typical ['tipikl]
tyre ['taiə]
than [ðæn, ðən]
thank [θæηk]
that [ðæt]
the [ði:, ði, ðə, ð]
theatre ['θiətə]
their [ðeə]
them [ðem]
theme [θi:m]
themselves [ðəm'selvz]
then [ðen]
theoretical [,θiə'retikl]
theory ['θiəri]
therapy ['θerəpi]
there [ðeə]
therefore ['ðeəfɔ:]
they [ðei]
thick [θik]
thickness ['θiknis]
thief [θi:f]
thin [θin]
think [θiηk]
thing [θiη]
thirsty ['θə:sti]
this [ðis]
thorough ['θʌrə]
though [ðou]
thought [θɔ:t]
thread [θred]
threat [θret]
threaten ['θretn]
thrill [θril]
throat [θrout]
through [θru:]
throughout [θru:'aut]
throw [θrou]
thumb [θʌm]
Thursday ['θə:zdi]
thus [ðʌs]
trace [treis]
track [træk]
trade [treid]
trader ['treidə]
tradition [trə'di∫n]
traditional [trə'di∫ənl]
traffic [træfik]
tragedy ['trædʒədi]
train [trein]
transaction [træn'zæk∫n]