a. The act of connecting. b. The state of being connected.
2. One that connects; a link: a faulty connection in the circuit.
3. An association or a relationship: There appeared to be no connection between the two crimes.
4. The logical or intelligible ordering of words or ideas; coherence.
5. Reference or relation to something else; context: In this connection, the agreement can be seen as a step toward peace.
6. A person, especially one of influence or position, with whom one is associated, as by kinship, interests in common, or marriage: used her connections to land a job.
7. A conveyance or scheduled run providing continuing service between means of transportation: missed my connection in Atlanta.
8. A line of communication between two points in a telephone or similar wired system.
9. Slang. a. A drug dealer. b. A purchase of illegal drugs.