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Từ điển Anh - Việt
['medsn; 'medisn]
danh từ
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Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
['medsn; 'medisn]
Kỹ thuật
y học
Sinh học
y học
Từ điển Anh - Anh


medicine (mĕdʹĭ-sĭn) noun

Abbr. med.

1. a. The science of diagnosing, treating, or preventing disease and other damage to the body or mind. b. The branch of this science encompassing treatment by drugs, diet, exercise, and other nonsurgical means.

2. The practice of medicine.

3. An agent, such as a drug, used to treat disease or injury.

4. Something, such as corrective discipline or punishment, that is unpleasant but necessary or unavoidable.

5. a. Shamanistic practices or beliefs, especially among Native Americans. b. Something, such as a ritual practice or sacred object, believed to control natural or supernatural powers or serve as a preventive or remedy.

noun, attributive.

Often used to modify another noun: a medicine cabinet; medicine bottles.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin medicīna from feminine of medicīnus, of a doctor, from medicus, physician. See medical.]

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
medicine (n)
drug, medication, remedy, treatment, prescription, dose

Từ thông dụng khác
e [i:]
dump ['dʌmp]
portrait ['pɔ:treit]
chemistry ['kemistri]
compute [kəm'pju:t]
meat [mi:t]