(drŏp) noun
The smallest quantity of liquid heavy enough to fall in a spherical mass.
A small quantity of a substance.
drops Liquid medicine administered in drops.
4. A trace or hint: not a drop of pity.
5. a. Something shaped or hanging like a drop. b. A small globular piece of hard candy.
6. The act of falling; descent.
7. A swift decline or decrease, as in quality, quantity, or intensity.
8. a. The vertical distance from a higher to a lower level. b. The distance through which something falls or drops.
9. A sheer incline, such as the face of a cliff.
10. a. A descent by parachute. b. Personnel and equipment landed by means of parachute.
11. Something, such as a trap door on a gallows, that is arranged to fall or be lowered.
12. A drop curtain.
13. A slot through which something is deposited in a receptacle.
14. A central place or establishment where something, such as mail, is brought and subsequently distributed.
15. a. A predetermined location for the deposit and subsequent removal of secret communications or illicit goods, such as drugs. b. The act of depositing such communications or materials.
16. Electronics. A connection made available for an input or output unit on a transmission line.
dropped, dropping, drops
, intransitive
To fall in drops.
To fall from a higher to a lower place or position.
To become less, as in number, intensity, or volume.
To descend from one level to another.
To fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death.
To pass or slip into a specified state or condition: dropped into a doze.
Sports. To fall or roll into a basket or hole. Used of a ball.
, transitive
To let fall by releasing hold of.
To let fall in drops.
To cause to become less; reduce: drop the rate of production.
To cause to fall, as by hitting or shooting.
Sports. To hurl or strike (a ball) into a basket or hole.
6. To give birth to. Used of animals.
7. To say or offer casually: drop a hint.
8. To write at one's leisure: drop me a note.
9. To cease consideration or treatment of: dropped the matter altogether.
10. To terminate an association or a relationship with. See synonyms at dismiss.
11. To leave unfinished: drop everything and help.
12. To leave out (a letter, for example) in speaking or writing.
13. To leave or set down at a particular place; unload.
14. To parachute.
15. To lower the level of (the voice).
16. To lose (a game or contest, for example).
17. Slang. To take, as a drug, by mouth: drop acid.
18. New England. To poach (an egg).
phrasal verb.
drop behind
To fall behind: dropped behind the rest of the class during her long illness. drop by
To stop in for a short visit. drop off
To fall asleep.
To decrease: Sales dropped off in the fourth quarter.
drop out
To withdraw from participation, as in a game, club, or school.
To withdraw from established society, especially because of disillusion with conventional values.
get the drop on or have the drop on
To achieve a distinct advantage over.
[Middle English droppe, from Old English dropa.]