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Từ điển Anh - Việt
ngoại động từ
chở, chuyên chở, vận chuyển
truyền (âm thanh, hương vị, lệnh, tin); truyền đạt, chuyển
nhờ chuyển những lời chúc mừng của tôi tới cha mẹ anh
(pháp lý) chuyển nhượng, sang tên (tài sản)
Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
Hoá học
chuyên chở, vận tải; truyền; chuyển nhượng
Kỹ thuật
vận chuyển, chuyên chở; đưa đến; chuyền, chuyển
Xây dựng, Kiến trúc
chở, chuyên chở, vận chuyển
Từ điển Anh - Anh


convey (kən-vāʹ) verb, transitive

conveyed, conveying, conveys

1. To take or carry from one place to another; transport.

2. To serve as a medium of transmission for; transmit: wires that convey electricity.

3. To communicate or make known; impart: "a look intended to convey sympathetic comprehension" (Saki).

4. Law. To transfer ownership of or title to.

5. Archaic. To steal.


[Middle English conveien, from Old French conveier, from Medieval Latin conviāre, to escort : Latin com-, com- + via, way.]

conveyʹable adjective

Synonyms: convey, carry, bear, transport, transmit. These verbs are compared as they refer to the movement of someone or something from one place to another. Convey often implies continuous, regular movement or flow: Pipelines convey water. The word also means to serve as a medium for the delivery or transmission of something: The company has a fleet of trucks for conveying produce to the wholesale market. If you'll leave a message, I'll convey it to him. Carry has broad application but often means to support something while moving: The train carries baggage, mail, and passengers. I carried my papers in an attaché case. The term can also refer to conveyance through a channel or medium: Nerve cells carry and receive nervous impulses. Bear strongly suggests the effort of supporting a burden; often it implies the carrying of something important, such as valuable gifts: Four attendants bore the queen's palanquin. An envoy came bearing the sad news. Transport is largely limited to the movement of persons or material objects, often over a considerable distance: Huge tankers are used to transport oil. The city uses buses to transport students to school. Transmit refers to passing along, sending, or communicating something: Please transmit the stock certificates by special messenger. The cost of transmitting books by air is very high. We transmitted the instructions by electronic mail. The word also means "to serve as a medium for the passage of something such as light, electricity, or sound": "The motion is transmitted from particle to particle, to a great distance" (Thomas H. Huxley).

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
convey (v)
  • take, carry, transport, bear, send, transfer, deliver
  • communicate, express, suggest, put across, get across, mean
  • Từ thông dụng khác
    e [i:]
    dump ['dʌmp]
    portrait ['pɔ:treit]
    chemistry ['kemistri]
    compute [kəm'pju:t]
    meat [mi:t]