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criticism (krĭtʹĭ-sĭzəm) noun

Abbr. crit.

1. The act of criticizing, especially adversely.

2. A critical comment or judgment.

3. a. The art, skill, or profession of making discriminating judgments and evaluations, especially of literary or other artistic works. b. A review or article expressing such judgment and evaluation.

4. Detailed investigation of the origin and history of literary documents, such as the Bible.

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
criticism (n)
  • censure, disapproval, reproach, disparagement, condemnation, denigration, blame, denunciation
    antonym: praise
  • analysis, appreciation, assessment, evaluation, critique, comment, review, report
  • Từ thông dụng khác
    e [i:]
    dump ['dʌmp]
    portrait ['pɔ:treit]
    chemistry ['kemistri]
    compute [kəm'pju:t]
    meat [mi:t]