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Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
sự tấn công, sự công kích
tấn công các vị trí địch
cơn (bệnh)
cơn sốt
cơn đau tim
ngoại động từ
tấn công, công kích
bắt đầu, bắt tay vào, lao vào (công việc)
bắt tay vào việc, lao vào việc
ăn mòn ( axit)
axit mạnh ăn mòn kim loại
nội động từ
tấn công, bắt đầu chiến sự
Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
Kỹ thuật
sự ăn mòn; sự tẩm thực; ăn mòn; tẩm thực
Sinh học
cơn bệnh
Xây dựng, Kiến trúc
sự ăn mòn; ăn mòn
Từ điển Anh - Anh


attack (ə-tăkʹ) verb

attacked, attacking, attacks


verb, transitive

1. To set upon with violent force.

2. To criticize strongly or in a hostile manner.

3. To start work on with purpose and vigor: attack a problem.

4. To begin to affect harmfully: The disease had already attacked the central nervous system.

verb, intransitive

To make an attack; launch an assault: The enemy attacked during the night.


1. The act or an instance of attacking; an assault.

2. An expression of strong criticism; hostile comment: vicious attacks in all the newspapers.

3. Sports. a. An offensive action in a sport or game. b. The players executing such an action.

4. The initial movement in a task or undertaking: made an optimistic attack on the pile of paperwork.

5. An episode or onset of a disease, especially an occurrence of a chronic disease: an asthma attack.

6. The experience or beginning of a feeling, need, or desire: an attack of hunger; an attack of melancholy.

7. a. Music. The beginning or manner of beginning a piece, passage, or tone. b. Decisiveness and clarity in artistic expression: a careful performance, but one lacking the rigorous attack the work demands.


[French attaquer, from Old French, from Old Italian *estaccare, of Germanic origin.]

attackʹer noun

Synonyms: attack, bombard, assail, storm, assault, beset. These verbs mean to set upon, physically or figuratively. Attack applies to offensive action, physical or verbal, and especially to the onset of planned aggression: The commandos attacked the outpost at dawn. The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise. Bombard suggests showering with bombs or shells (The fleet anchored in the bay and bombarded the town) or figuratively with words (The television star was bombarded with invitations). Assail implies repeated attacks: an area assailed by enemy forces from both directions; a novel assailed by critics; a member of the jury assailed by doubts. Storm refers to a sudden, sweeping attempt to achieve a victory: Some of the rebels were killed in the act of storming the citadel. "Yet, only a few months after triumphantly storming the country,[the President]is obliged to storm Capitol Hill, with greater difficulty and with less than complete success" (Economist). Assault usually implies sudden, intense violence: Muggers often assault their victims on dark streets. Strobe lights assaulted my eyes. Beset suggests beleaguerment from all sides by an enemy force or by adversity: The fox was beset by hunters and hounds. The city council is beset by problems.

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
attack (n)
  • violence, assault, confrontation, act of violence, incident, strike, hit, raid, commencement of hostilities
    antonym: defense
  • bout, dose, spell, occurrence, outbreak, spasm
  • criticism, condemnation, argument, disagreement
    antonym: praise
  • attack (v)
  • harm, assault, harass, bother, molest, assail, hit, strike, beat, hurt, damage
    antonym: defend
  • criticize, argue, confront, pounce on, disagree, lay into, take on, start in, start on (informal)
    antonym: support
  • infect, occur, strike, hit, strike down, affect
  • tackle, deal with, set to, start on (informal), pile in, turn to
  • Từ thông dụng khác
    e [i:]
    dump ['dʌmp]
    portrait ['pɔ:treit]
    chemistry ['kemistri]
    compute [kəm'pju:t]
    meat [mi:t]