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Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
gốc, nguồn gốc, yếu tố cơ bản
gốc của mọi điều thiện
nguyên lý, nguyên tắc
nguyên lý Ac-si-mét
phép tắc, nguyên tắc đạo đức, phương châm xử thế
người sống có phép tắc
làm gì theo nguyên tắc
đặt thành nguyên tắc
nguyên lý, nguyên tắc cấu tạo (máy)
(hoá học) yếu tố cấu tạo đặc trưng
về nguyên tắc cơ bản; nói chung (không đi vào chi tiết)
vì những nguyên tắc (đạo đức); niềm tin cố định của mình
Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
Hoá học
nguyên lý
Kinh tế
nguyên tắc; nguyên lý
Kỹ thuật
nguyên lý; nguyên tắc; định luật
Tin học
nguyên tắc
Toán học
nguyên lý, định luật; nguyên tắc
Vật lý
nguyên lý, định luật; nguyên tắc
Xây dựng, Kiến trúc
nguyên lý, nguyên tắc
Từ điển Anh - Anh


principle (prĭnʹsə-pəl) noun

Abbr. prin.

1. A basic truth, law, or assumption: the principles of democracy.

2. a. A rule or standard, especially of good behavior: a man of principle. b. The collectivity of moral or ethical standards or judgments: a decision based on principle rather than expediency.

3. A fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action.

4. A basic or essential quality or element determining intrinsic nature or characteristic behavior: the principle of self-preservation.

5. A rule or law concerning the functioning of natural phenomena or mechanical processes: the principle of jet propulsion.

6. Chemistry. One of the elements that compose a substance, especially one that gives some special quality or effect.

7. A basic source. See Usage Note at principal.

8. Principle Christian Science. God.


in principle

With regard to the basics: an idea that is acceptable in principle.

on principle

According to or because of principle.


[Middle English, alteration of Old French principe, from Latin prīncipium, from prīnceps, prīncip-, leader, emperor.]

Word History: Despite generations of spelling lessons, the words principle and principal are still commonly confused. Perhaps an understanding of their history will help in keeping them straight. Both words go back to the same Latin word, prīnceps, meaning "first, as in time, position, or authority." The split that has caused all the trouble occurred in the next stage of development. From prīnceps were derived the noun prīncipium,"start, origin, guiding principle," the adjective prīncipālis,"first in importance or esteem," and the noun prīncipālis,"a leading citizen." Clearly the latter two words with the ā between the p and the l have given us the adjective principal (first recorded around 1300) and the noun principal (also first recorded in a work composed around 1300). Perhaps it should not be mentioned that one Middle English spelling for the noun was principle. On the other hand, the Latin word prīncipium and its Old French descendant principe were involved in the creation of the word principle in Middle English, first recorded in a work written around 1380. Words like manciple and participle influenced the spelling of this new word, but again perhaps we should keep silent about the fact that we also find the word spelled principal and prinsipal in Middle English. A key point to remember about these seemingly aberrant Middle English spellings is that in Middle English spelling was not nearly as fixed as it usually is today, a development that was much furthered by the invention of printing. When we interchange spellings for principle and principal, we are doing something that would have been less of a fault in the days before the conformity imposed on us by this marvelous invention.

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
principle (n)
  • rule, theory, notion, tenet (formal), dogma, assumption, law
  • code, belief, attitude, opinion, value, standard, norm
  • source, wellspring, origin, cause, basis, antecedent, determinant
  • Từ thông dụng khác
    e [i:]
    dump ['dʌmp]
    portrait ['pɔ:treit]
    chemistry ['kemistri]
    compute [kəm'pju:t]
    meat [mi:t]