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Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
quả cam
cây cam ( orange-tree )
một lùm cây cam
màu da cam
nước cam
cho tôi một cốc cam tươi
vắt kiệt (hết tinh tuý của cái gì, hết sức lực của ai)
tính từ
có màu da cam
cái nón màu da cam
Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
Kỹ thuật
quả cam
Sinh học
cây cam
Từ điển Anh - Anh



orange (ôrʹĭnj, ŏrʹ-) noun

1. a. Any of several southeast Asian evergreen trees of the genus Citrus, widely cultivated in warm regions and having fragrant white flowers and round fruit with a yellowish or reddish rind and a sectioned, pulpy interior, especially C. sinensis, the sweet orange, and C. aurantium, the Seville or sour orange. b. The fruit of any of these trees, having a sweetish, acidic juice.

2. Any of several similar plants, such as the Osage orange and the mock orange.

3. Color. The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between red and yellow, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 590 to 630 nanometers; any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue, of medium lightness and moderate saturation.


[Middle English, from Old French pume orenge, translation and alteration (influenced by Orenge, Orange, a town in France), of Old Italian melarancio : mela, fruit + arancio, orange tree (alteration of Arabic nāranj, from Persian nārang, from Sanskrit nāraṅgaḥ, possibly of Dravidian origin).]

orʹange adjective

Word History: Oranges imported to China from the United States reflect a journey come full circle, for the orange had worked its way westward for centuries, originating in China, then being introduced to India, and traveling on to the Middle East, into Europe, and finally to the New World. The history of the word orange keeps step with this journey only part of the way. The word is possibly ultimately of Dravidian origin, that is, it comes from a language or languages in a large non-Indo-European family of languages, including Tamil and Telugu, that are spoken in southern India and northern Sri Lanka. The Dravidian word or words were adopted into the Indo-European language Sanskrit with the form nāraṅgaḥ. As the fruit passed westward, so did the word, as evidenced by Persian nārang and Arabic nāranj. Arabs brought the first oranges to Spain, and the fruit rapidly spread throughout Europe. The important word for the development of our term is Old Italian melarancio, derived from mela,"fruit," and arancio,"orange tree," from Arabic nāranj. Old Italian melarancio was translated into Old French as pume orenge, the o replacing the a because of the influence of the name of the town of Orange, from which oranges reached the northern part of France. The final stage of the odyssey of the word was its borrowing into English from the Old French form orenge. Our word is first recorded in Middle English in a text probably composed around 1380, a time preceding the arrival of the orange in the New World.

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
orange (adj)
carroty, red, ginger, auburn

Từ thông dụng khác
e [i:]
dump ['dʌmp]
portrait ['pɔ:treit]
chemistry ['kemistri]
compute [kəm'pju:t]
meat [mi:t]