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Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
tình trạng suy tàn, tình trạng suy sụp, tình trạng sa sút (quốc gia, gia đình...)
tình trạng đổ nát, tình trạng mục nát (nhà cửa...)
tình trạng thối rữa; chỗ thối (quả)
tình trạng sâu, tình trạng mục (răng, xương, gỗ...)
(vật lý) sự rã, sự phân rã
sự phân rã phóng xạ
suy tàn, suy sụp (quốc gia, gia đình...)
đổ nát, mục nát (nhà cửa...)
nội động từ
suy tàn, suy sụp, sa sút (quốc gia, gia đình...)
hư nát, đổ nát, mục nát (nhà cửa...)
suy nhược (sức khoẻ)
thối rữa (quả)
sâu, mục (răng, xương, gỗ...)
răng sâu
gỗ mục
(vật lý) rã, phân rã
ngoại động từ
làm sâu (răng...), làm mục nát (gỗ...)
Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
Hoá học
phân rã, phân huỷ
Kỹ thuật
sự rã, sự phân rã, sự phong hoá, sự phân huỷ cấu trúc
Sinh học
thối rữa
Tin học
phân rã
Toán học
sự (phân) rã; sự giảm; (phân) rã; phân ly; giảm (dần)
Vật lý
sự (phân) rã; sự giảm; (phân) rã; phân ly; giảm (dần)
Xây dựng, Kiến trúc
sự rã, sự phân rã, sự phong hoá, sự phân huỷ cấu trúc
Từ điển Anh - Anh


decay (dĭ-kāʹ) verb

decayed, decaying, decays


verb, intransitive

1. Biology. To break down into component parts; rot.

2. Physics. To disintegrate or diminish by radioactive decay.

3. Electronics. To decrease gradually in magnitude. Used of voltage or current.

4. Aerospace. To decrease in orbit. Used of an artificial satellite.

5. To fall into ruin: a civilization that had begun to decay.

6. Pathology. To decline in health or vigor; waste away.

7. To decline from a state of normality, excellence, or prosperity; deteriorate.

verb, transitive

To cause to decay.


1. a. The destruction or decomposition of organic matter as a result of bacterial or fungal action; rot. b. Rotted matter.

2. Physics. Radioactive decay.

3. Aerospace. The decrease in orbital altitude of an artificial satellite as a result of conditions such as atmospheric drag.

4. A gradual deterioration to an inferior state: tooth decay; urban decay.

5. A falling into ruin.


[Middle English decayen, from Old French decair, from Vulgar Latin *dēcadere : Latin dē-, de- + Latin cadere, to fall.]

decayʹer noun

Synonyms: decay, rot, putrefy, spoil, crumble, molder, disintegrate, decompose. These verbs all refer to gradual change resulting in destruction or dissolution. Decay denotes a falling away from soundness; it may imply a stage in deterioration short of complete destruction: Dentists advise their patients to brush and floss regularly to prevent their teeth from decaying. Rot is sometimes synonymous with decay (wood that had rotted), but it often, like putrefy, stresses a stage of deterioration marked by offensiveness to the sense of smell: Animal flesh that rots is attractive to vultures. The intact carcass of the prehistoric animal was prevented from putrefying by the arctic cold. Spoil usually refers to the process by which perishable substances, especially food, become unfit for use or consumption: I put the veal scallops into the refrigerator before they could spoil. Crumble implies the physical breakdown of a substance into small fragments or particles: We saw the remains of an ancient church that had crumbled to ruins. To molder is to crumble to dust: Her grandmother's shawl had moldered away in the trunk. Disintegrate refers to complete breakdown into component parts and implies the destruction of usefulness or integrity: The sandstone façade had disintegrated from long exposure to the elements. Decompose, largely restricted to the breakdown of substances into their chemical components, also connotes rotting and putrefying, both literally and figuratively: "trivial personalities decomposing in the eternity of print" (Virginia Woolf).

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
decay (n)
  • deterioration, decline, degeneration, falling-off, falloff, dwindling, waning
    antonym: growth
  • rotting, rot, mold, corrosion, putrefaction, decomposition
  • decay (v)
  • decompose, rot, grow moldy, molder, fester, crumble, putrefy, corrode, waste away, perish
  • decline, degenerate, deteriorate, fall off, dwindle, wane
    antonym: flourish
  • Từ thông dụng khác
    e [i:]
    dump ['dʌmp]
    portrait ['pɔ:treit]
    chemistry ['kemistri]
    compute [kəm'pju:t]
    meat [mi:t]