belt (bĕlt) noun
1. a. A flexible band, as of leather or cloth, worn around the waist to support clothing, secure tools or weapons, or serve as decoration. b. Something that resembles this type of band: a belt of trees.
2. An encircling route.
3. A seat belt.
4. A continuous band or chain for transferring motion or power or conveying materials from one wheel or shaft to another.
5. A band of tough reinforcing material beneath the tread of a tire.
6. A geographic region that is distinctive in a specific respect: "This is America's rural poverty belt" (Charles Kuralt). See synonyms at area.
7. Slang. A powerful blow; a wallop.
8. Slang. A strong emotional reaction.
9. Slang. A drink of hard liquor.
verb, transitive
belted, belting, belts
1. To encircle; gird.
2. To attach with or as if with an encircling band.
3. To mark with or as if with an encircling band.
4. Slang. To strike forcefully; punch.
5. Slang. To sing in a loud and forceful manner: belt out a song.
6. Slang. To swig (an alcoholic beverage).
below the belt
Not according to the rules; unfairly.
tighten (one's) belt
To begin to exercise thrift and frugality.
under (one's) belt
In one's possession or experience: "By his mid-teens, Liszt had three years of intensive concertizing under his belt" (Musical Heritage Review).
[Middle English, from Old English, ultimately from Latin balteus.]