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  • emcungyeukhoahoc
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  • Cute Animal Babies Get Disfigured By Puberty (28/12/2015 16:02:42)

  • We often come across such cute babies, but when we look around to see .. “Hey! Which pretty couple have this adorable baby!!”, we are like…“oh no! Don’t tell this cutie pie belongs to them.”

    Xem bản gốc từcoviet.vn
  • Sudden Appearance of Living Green Balls On Australian Beach Jolt The Visitors (28/12/2015 16:00:20)

  • Lately, thousands of small, green balls came to visit the Dee Why beach and surprised the people there. These soft, about six centimeter in diameter orbs are actually special from of algae, termed as ‘marimo’. This name is given by Japanese, country whom they are native to, means bouncy plants. This is nothing new, beside Japan, they are have made their appearance in other countries like Iceland and Scotland previously.

    Xem bản gốc từcoviet.vn
  • A Living Beetle Worn As A Gem-Encrusted Piece Of Jewelry in Mexico (28/12/2015 15:52:39)

  • The Makech is a large beetle with a broad shell, which the women of Yucatán in Mexico wear as jewelry. The insect’s shell is adorned with expensive gemstones – it is then attached with a golden chain and worn as pendant. When not being worn, these beetles are kept as pets.

    Xem bản gốc từcoviet.vn
  • Global Economic Forecast 2016-2017 (25/12/2015 16:23:57)

  • The global economy is poised for economic growth comparable to recent years’ performance, but with a somewhat different texture. European countries will do a bit better, Asian countries just a hair worse, and natural resource-based economies much worse.

    Xem bản gốc từBill Conerly/forbes.com