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Từ điển Anh - Việt
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  • emcungyeukhoahoc
  • map1
  • obaasan
  • hoahamtieu
  • thanhthanh
  • Clementine
  • tvmthu
  • mattroiden
  • VN1
  • all smiles
  • lhbaolv
  • thanhtnguyen
  • 10 ways to respond to "Thank you" (04/01/2016 16:59:20)

  • We all know that it’s polite to say “Thank you” to someone after they’ve done something nice or helpful. But did you know that “You’re welcome” isn’t the only way to respond when someone thanks you? Here are a few more ways to say “You’re welcome” in English.

    Xem bản gốc từvoxy.com
  • Happy new year wishes (31/12/2015 10:05:19)

  • Everything starts a new with the New Year coming. May your new year be filled with the happiest things and your days with the bring test promise.

    Xem bản gốc từcoviet.vn