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Từ điển Anh - Việt
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Thành viên đóng góp gần nhất
  • emcungyeukhoahoc
  • map1
  • obaasan
  • hoahamtieu
  • thanhthanh
  • Clementine
  • tvmthu
  • mattroiden
  • VN1
  • all smiles
  • lhbaolv
  • thanhtnguyen
  • How to Keep Foods Fresh Longer (21/11/2015 10:42:34)

  • Tired of buying foods, only to have them go bad before you manage to get them eaten? Improper storage could be the cause. Adopt the following storage habits, and your foods will stay fresh days – if not months – longer:

    Xem bản gốc từfrugalliving.about.com
  • Pray for Paris (16/11/2015 09:40:50)

  • A German pianist dragged a piano around Paris and played John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ outside Paris’ Bataclan theater where many were killed in terrorist attacks.

    Xem bản gốc từcoviet.vn
  • This 17-Year-Old Cat Is The Laziest Internet Star In Japan (14/11/2015 11:42:35)

  • At 17, it’s safe to say that Ura, a pretty white Scottish Fold cat in Japan, has lived a long and plentiful life. However, she hasn’t lost her spunk just yet – this Internet star still has a devoted 24,000-strong fan base on her Twitter and blog, and dresses up in cute costumes like bowties and bunny ears.

    Xem bản gốc từboredpanda.com
  • Stunning Works Of Origami Art (14/11/2015 11:40:44)

  • November 11 is Origami Day in Japan, where the paper crane has become a symbol of peace, but did you know that Origami isn’t an entirely Japanese invention?

    Xem bản gốc từboredpanda.com
  • Russian Mother Takes Magical Pictures of Her Two Kids With Animals On Her Farm (06/11/2015 16:41:50)

  • These wonderful photographs by Elena Shumilova plunge the viewer into a beautiful world that revolves around two boys and their adorable dog, cat, duckling and rabbit friends. Taking advantage of natural colors, weather conditions and her enchanting surroundings, the gifted Russian artist creates cozy and heartwarming photography that will leave you amazed.

    Xem bản gốc từboredpanda.com
  • The Leopard and the Mouse (05/11/2015 16:46:41)

  • Wise teachers throughout the ages have taught that we should live without fear. Many have also taught to focus on the goal by keeping one's eye single to it and not heeding distractions. We might take a lesson from nature amazingly caught in three photos on just how to actually do both in practice!

    Xem bản gốc từjohnpratt.com
  • These Flower Lamps Bloom When People Stand Under Them (04/11/2015 10:36:01)

  • edestrians in Jerusalem’s Vallero Square can stop for some respite under these self-inflating, giant flowers. Installed by HQ Architects in 2014 and titled “Warde,” these nine by nine meter flowers “bloom” when someone approaches, or when a tram is about to arrive, brightening an otherwise depressed part of the city.

    Xem bản gốc từboredpanda.com