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Kết quả từ 2 từ điển
Từ điển Việt - Anh
ghi tên
[ghi tên]
to enter one's name; to inscribe one's name
The student fresh from university unhesitatingly entered his name on the recruiting list; The student fresh from university unhesitatingly signed up for the army
The entrants for evening classes must also be present at the beginning of term tomorrow morning
How many entrants are there for this marathon?
To enter/register for the refresher course
Quite unknown to him, I myself entered him for the Olympic Games; I myself entered him for the Olympic Games without his knowledge
Don't forget to enter/inscribe my name on the payroll !
to report
I was ordered to report pupils for smoking
I threatened to report him for playing cards in class
Từ điển Việt - Việt
ghi tên
động từ
viết tên vào danh sách
ghi tên tham dự đại hội; ghi tên đi nghĩa vụ