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  • Small Garden Landscaping Ideas (24/09/2015 15:01:06)

  • Most homeowners know that buying a property often comes along with certain amount of compromise. For some, this means making peace with a cozy yard rather than sprawling grounds. We’ve compiled some small backyard ideas to help turn that compromise into a favorite feature.

    Xem bản gốc từCồ Việt
  • Interview With Sean Belnick – Making $50,000,000 A Year Selling Business Chairs (24/09/2015 08:50:28)

  • At 20 years old, Sean Belnicks business chair website brought in $38 Million Dollars! At 14 years old Sean Locked Himself in his bedroom and 3 days later, Bizchair.com was born! He started out with just a few office chairs and eventually one employee, he now sells over 25,000 products and sold chairs to Microsoft, Google and Abercrombie and Fitch.

    Xem bản gốc từretireat21.com
  • Watch How This Family Grows 6,000 Lbs Of Food On Just 1/10th Acre! (23/09/2015 14:45:13)

  • Throughout the human history, people have managed to feed themselves, either by fishing, hunting, gathering and/or subsistence farming. Now, with large-scale food production, gardening is often only a hobby. But growing one’s own food could mean increased security, health and enjoyment. Since the details of growing your own food depend on your unique locale, here’s a general overview to get you started.

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  • Cutest thing in the world: World Smallest Monkey: Pygmy Marmoset or Finger Monkey (23/09/2015 14:15:26)

  • Can you hold a monkey on your finger? Yes it is true the finger monkey is small enough that you can hold one just by your finger. Now we know you must be thinking that it will be almost impossible to find one. Wrong again, though rare but it is one of the most common types of monkey that you can have as a pet. Again it might sound strange to keep a monkey as a pet but currently it is becoming a popular choice. Before you plan to keep one it is important for you to have a sound knowledge of this animal.

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  • Your Colon Contains Around 20 Pounds of Poison, And Here’s What You Can Do About This Problem (22/09/2015 13:20:41)

  • The health of your entire body depends of your colon as well. The colon is vital for your digestive system, your immune system and also balances the amounts of water in your body. The colon is the part of the large intestine from the cecum to the rectum. Toxic substances will remain in your body if your colon is not functioning properly since the waste could not be removed from the body. That same waste is absorbed by the colon’s walls and ends in the blood. Healthy food and healthy colon transit the food through the body in 24 hours. However, when eating processed food, that contains no nutrients and fibers, the transit lasts for 70 hours. These foods and the slow transit allow 30 pounds of toxic substances to accumulate into your colon and body in general.

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  • Yoga for weight loss (22/09/2015 13:13:48)

  • If you want to lose a few pounds, you will be recommended to eat healthy and exercise. Sure this will help! But can you use yoga for weight loss and can you replace it with a workout in the gym? In the West, yoga is especially known for its stress-reducing and relaxing effects and its benefits on your mental health, but what is often forgotten is that active yoga positions also work on your muscles.

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