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  • Who loses when the renminbi joins the IMF basket? (03/12/2015 15:42:02)

  • The International Monetary Fund's decision to include the renminbi in its reserve currency basket is a major benchmark in China's push to internationalize its currency, but it could also be a sign of decline for the currencies it is replacing.

    Xem bản gốc từcnbc.com
  • Six Super Foods That Actively Help Lower Cholesterol (02/12/2015 14:21:14)

  • Some foods punch well above their weight in helping to reduce cholesterol levels – we call them the “Cholesterol busters”. Choosing a healthy diet, low in saturated fat is important in helping to keep your cholesterol low but you can reduce your cholesterol levels further by including these super six foods in your every day diet.

    Xem bản gốc từheartuk.org.uk
  • The Yogic Diet: 10 Foods to Enjoy & Avoid (02/12/2015 09:49:40)

  • Everything that we eat is food for our soul. Yogis believe that food is the creator of prana (life force) that sustains our bodies and brings us vitality and health. Therefore, the types of foods we choose to eat reflect the level of our conscious development. The discipline of yoga suggests a pure (ethical) vegetarian diet, which facilitates the development of sattva. Sattva is a quality of love, awareness, connection, and peace with all sentient beings. Yogis believe that food is our first interaction with the world around us, and if we do not eat with a sense of love, connection, and peace, all other facets of our lives are inclined to suffer.

    Xem bản gốc từCồ Việt