The traditional bouquet toss at a wedding is mostly a symbolic gesture, but to 37-year-old Utah resident Jamie Jackson, it’s a sport. She has caught 46 bouquets since 1996, earning herself the nickname ‘The Bouquet Slayer’. Ironically, she’s still single, but that doesn’t seem to bother her.
Cash worth more than half a million pounds blows through the city – and nobody knows where it came from.
Scientists successfully turn back the clock in old human cells
Sleep is glorious, and many of us feel like we aren’t getting enough of it.
A French boy said to his friend: "My young sister is ten years old but she can speak English rather well." The friend smiled and replied: "It isn't a strange thing. When my family travel to London, I met a little girl who was about five years old but she spoke English like wind."
The cranes were eating grain from his field, so the farmer set a trap and caught several of them.
An insignificant foe is sometimes more dangerous than a mighty adversary because we’re not on guard against it.
One of the interesting aspect of Kumbhakarna's personality, the brother of Ravana in Ramayana was his sleeping pattern. Now, here's something that will leave you scratching your head.
Police detained two sheep after they allegedly attacked a woman until she fell unconscious, police in Nigeria said.
After 65 years of saving pennies, an 81-year-old man deposited $816 (£539) worth of one cent coins into his local bank.