Từ điển
Dịch văn bản
Từ điển Anh - Việt
Tra từ
Hỏi đáp nhanh
Dịch song ngữ
Thành viên đóng góp gần nhất
  • emcungyeukhoahoc
  • map1
  • obaasan
  • hoahamtieu
  • thanhthanh
  • Clementine
  • tvmthu
  • mattroiden
  • VN1
  • all smiles
  • lhbaolv
  • thanhtnguyen
  • "To the man who let her go, (24/03/2016 10:01:13)

  • Thank you. Thank you for walking out of her life, for leaving her. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love her, to do things that would make her happy, to really keep her. Thank you for hurting her. If not, she wouldn’t have learned something valuable.

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