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  • 10 Interesting Facts About Oysters (04/12/2013 13:32:20)

  • Oysters are mollusks that grow mainly in the ocean. There are more than fifty species of oysters, some of which are edible. Their rather rectangle shells are made of calcium. The shells protect their soft bodies. Here are 10 interesting facts about oysters you probably don't know!

    Xem bản gốc từvoices.yahoo.com
  • Understanding Stock Splits (27/11/2013 13:28:57)

  • Say you had a $100 bill and someone offered you two $50 bills for it. Would you take the offer? This might sound like a pointless question, but the action of a stock split puts you in a similar position. In this article we will explore what a stock split is, why it's done and what it means to the investor.

    Xem bản gốc từinvestopedia.com