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Kết quả từ 2 từ điển
Từ điển Việt - Anh
bấy nhiêu
[bấy nhiêu]
that; that amount; that quantity
Only five years, only that much time, But so many changes have that much will do occurred to our land
Is that all in your bag? Are you sure there is nothing else?
That will do/That's enough ! I shall borrow more money if need be
so much/many....., so much/many.....; as much/many ..... as ......
So many guests, so many seats; There are as many guests as seats
I have as much money as her
This tank contains as much as the other
His son-in-law is as calculating as him
He hates you as much as you love him
Từ điển Việt - Việt
bấy nhiêu
đại từ
số lượng chừng ấy; bằng ấy
có bao nhiêu thì tiêu bấy nhiêu; bấy nhiêu đủ rồi, khi nào thiếu tôi sẽ mượn anh