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  • Teaching Your Dog Bring It (03/11/2015 15:55:51)

  • After you teach your dog bring it, it will be easy to teach him to fetch, bring his dish or leash, or teach funnier tricks like Bring me a Drink (Trick #46) or Get me a tissue!

    Xem bản gốc từCồ Việt
  • Teaching Your Dog Take It (03/11/2015 15:49:42)

  • One of the great things about dogs is their ability to help others, and being able to pick up dropped items or other objects is a very practical thing for dogs to do. In fact, assistance dogs are trained to do this very thing. Whether or not that is your goal, teaching your dog take it, is a very beneficial trick which we will build off of later on.

    Xem bản gốc từCồ Việt
  • Teach Your Dog to Learn Names (03/11/2015 15:45:23)

  • Dogs are a lot smarter than we give them credit for and can learn the names of all sorts of things. Dog's aren't limited to objects, they can learn the names of people and other pets as well. Wouldn't it be nice if your dog knew your kids' names? You can teach your dog the names of all his toys, the remote, or a place like his kennel or the living room.

    Xem bản gốc từCồ Việt
  • Teach Your Dog to Bring You His Bowl (03/11/2015 15:42:24)

  • Another useful trick. When your dog brings you his dish, not only does it make him look smart but it saves you the effort of having to get it. How does your dog tell you he's hungry? Pawing at his dish, knocking it over, barking? Here's a simple and cute way for your dog to let you know that he needs to be fed.

    Xem bản gốc từCồ Việt
  • The Innocent and Funny Prayers of Children (02/11/2015 11:25:20)

  • If you ever thought kids said the funniest things, they also write the funniest things. These are all real letters that children wrote to God, and some of them are hilarious. Kids are such a blessing to all of us.

    Xem bản gốc từjohnpratt.com
  • How the Fed Works (2) (30/10/2015 11:27:58)

  • The Fed watches economic indicators closely to determine in which the direction the economy is going. By forecasting increases in inflation or slow-downs in the economy, the Fed knows whether to increase or decrease the supply of money.

    Xem bản gốc từmoney.howstuffworks.com
  • Hilariously Freaked Out Haunted House Visitors (30/10/2015 09:18:58)

  • For many years now, the Nightmares Fear Factory in Niagara Falls, Canada has been scaring the pants off of any tourists who are brave enough to set foot inside their creepy live action haunted house. Best yet, Nightmares Fear Factory is clever enough to set up a rolling video camera inside a particularly hair-raising section of the haunted maze. The resulting still shots of utterly terrified reaction faces are fantastic, and they also allow those of us who are too scared to take the tour to mock those who are.

    Xem bản gốc từhumor.about.com