A teenager lived alone with his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship. Even though the son was always on the bench, his father was always in the stands cheering. He never missed a game.
My mom only had one eye. I hated her… she was such an embarrassment. My mom ran a small shop at a flea market. She collected little weeds and such to sell… anything for the money we needed she was such an embarrassment.
One day, this guy got so tired of seeing homeless dogs everywhere that he decided to set up a shelter for them. The chances are that without him, all of these animals would long ago have been put down. He managed to reach an agreement with someone to turn some old barns into a new home for the dogs, and now more than 400 former strays live there, healthy and happy.
If you’ve ever felt a sudden bout of the chills or a feverish heat and yet there’s no change in the surrounding room or outside temperature, it might simply be that you’ve fallen seriously ill. If you suspect this might be the case, there’s not much you can do about it yourself — just go to a doctor straight away.
Are you feeling a little down? Are things just not going your way lately? If so, you’ve clicked on the right post. We have a story for you that’s pretty much guaranteed to put a little a smile on your face.
There are a few things which are always worth keeping to yourself. Telling the world about them — however much you want to — just won’t bring you anything good. Here are seven of the most crucial things we think you should always keep secret.
Oil prices tumbled and the pound fell to a 31-year low on Friday after Britain voted to leave the EU.
People often link early risers to life success. Here are six reasons that should motivate you to wake up earlier.
A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."
Houses had thatched roofs with thick straw-piled high and no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof.