No doubt about it — TV, interactive video games, and the Internet can be excellent sources of education and entertainment for kids. But too much screen time can have unhealthy side effects.
Saturday marks the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.
Microsoft is planning to release nine security bulletins next week to cover 13 vulnerabilities.
The pastor of a small US church who planned to burn copies of the Koran on the anniversary of 9/11 has cancelled his protest.
The cries of an abandoned baby boy echo in the nursery at Orphancare, a Malaysian charity that helps orphans find adoptive parents.
For many people, math can be intimidating. But Alex Bellos finds it intriguing.
A new study suggests that incorporating gardening into the education children receive at school boosts their wellbeing, learning and development and helps equip them for many of the challenges of adult life.
Washington (CNN) -- Despite President Obama's accusation Wednesday that Republicans are holding middle class income tax cuts "hostage" by tying them to an extension of tax cuts for wealthier Americans, the reality is several Democratic senators also oppose allowing President Bush's tax cuts for higher earners to expire.
Accounting has been around for centuries. The Romans had a modern tax system complete with sales tax, land tax and a flat rate citizen tax. The Roman Empire employed tax collectors that kept track of collections through a rudimentary accounting system. Today, accounting is a career. Most U.S. colleges and universities offer tax or accounting degrees at the bachelor's, masters and doctorate levels.
Computer Vision Syndrome is a medical condition associated with our addiction to digital devices -- from computers to smart phones, hand-held video games and e-books. Doctors estimate that nearly 80 million people in the U.S. could suffer from it. And that does not include the growing number of children developing eye problems related to electronic devices.