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Từ điển Việt - Anh
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Vietgle Tra từ
Từ điển Việt - Anh
như nhau
[như nhau]
equal; identical; uniform; like; alike; same
I treat everybody exactly alike; I'm no respecter of persons
To ensure equality of opportunity for all the workers of the State-run enterprises
One cannot equate/identify self-confidence with self-importance
equally; identically; interchangeably
Not all the people under the same roof are equally kind-hearted
'Agreement' and 'Contract' are used the same in this document; 'Agreement' and 'Contract' are used identically/interchangeably in this document
all one to somebody; all the same to somebody
Whether you go abroad or stay here is all one to me/all the same to me; it's all one to me/all the same to me whether you go abroad or stay here