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Từ điển Việt - Anh
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Vietgle Tra từ
Từ điển Việt - Anh
bảo đảm
[bảo đảm]
to ensure; to guarantee
To guarantee somebody's safety
To ensure independence and territorial integrity to a nation
To ensure the fulfilment of the plan
To guarantee equal rights between nationalities
Adequate food and clothing are ensured
to see to ...
To see to the adequate supply of materials to the factory
to assume responsibility for ...
To assume responsibility for the upbringing of the children
Each labourer assumes responsibility for a cultivated hectare of land
to make sure (that) ...
Make sure the program runs well
to give one's word for ...; to be sure/cock-sure
I give my word for it
I'm sure he's Mai's husband
A safe haven/shelter
A safe grassroots base in the enemy-occupied area
The weather is unreliable
guarantee; security
A sound line is a firm guarantee for the success of a revolution