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Từ điển Việt - Anh
Tra từ
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Kết quả
Vietgle Tra từ
Từ điển Việt - Anh
To put a yoke on a buffalo
Ruling yoke
The yoke of slavery
To put one's neck into the noose
The colonialist yoke
to come to a standstill; to be at a standstill
The business is at a standstill for want of fund
to stop; to halt
To stop somebody and check his papers
having a bloated stomach; feeling bloated; having a disagreeable feeling
To feel bloated because of drinking too much beer
To be filled with anger
(quân sự) (từ gốc tiếng Pháp là Adjudant) sergeant-major
(từ gốc tiếng Pháp là Faire halte) to stop; to halt