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Kết quả từ 2 từ điển
Từ điển Việt - Anh
thiệt thòi
[thiệt thòi]
disadvantage; handicap
To be at a disadvantage compared with somebody
To be put at the greatest disadvantage
This new law will put unmarried couples at a disadvantage; This new law will be unfair to unmarried couples; This new law will disadvantage/penalize unmarried couples
He favoured his children over his wife in his will
He was handicapped by not being able to speak English
disadvantageous; unfavourable
It is very disadvantageous/unfavourable to small and medium-sized businesses
Từ điển Việt - Việt
thiệt thòi
tính từ
phải chịu thiệt, thường do hoàn cảnh
nhà nghèo nên con cái thiệt thòi nhiều thứ;
công đeo đẳng chẳng thiệt thòi lắm ru (Truyện Kiều)