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Từ điển Anh - Việt
tính từ
thứ tự, ngăn nắp, gọn gàng
phục tùng kỷ luật
(quân sự) có nhiệm vụ truyền mệnh lệnh, có nhiệm vụ thi hành mệnh lệnh
sổ nhật lệnh
sĩ quan trực nhật
bàn giấy đại đội (ở trại)
danh từ
lính liên lạc
công nhân quét đường
người hộ lý; người phục vụ (ở bệnh viện quân y)
lính cần vụ
Từ điển Anh - Anh


orderly (ôrʹdər-lē) adjective

1. a. Free from disorder; neat: an orderly room. b. Having a systematic arrangement: an orderly universe.

2. Marked by or adhering to method or system: orderly in the upkeep of his rooms.

3. Devoid of violence or disruption; peaceful: an orderly transition of governments.


plural orderlies

1. An attendant who does routine, nonmedical work in a hospital.

2. A soldier assigned to attend a superior officer and perform various tasks.


Systematically; regularly.

orʹderliness noun

Synonyms: orderly, methodical, systematic. These adjectives mean proceeding in or observant of a prescribed pattern or arrangement. Orderly especially implies correct or customary procedure or proper or harmonious arrangement: Firefighters supervised the orderly evacuation of the building. Workers set up chairs on the stage in orderly and symmetrical rows. Methodical stresses adherence to a logically and carefully planned succession of steps: The pattern supplies methodical instructions for cutting and assembling the parts of the garment. The methodical housekeeper performs tasks according to a schedule. Systematic emphasizes observance of a coordinated and orderly set of procedures constituting part of a complex but unitary whole: Scientists are conducting systematic research into antigens to combat immune disorders.

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
orderly (adj)
  • arranged, tidy, methodical, neat, logical, systematic, organized, well-ordered
    antonym: disorderly
  • obedient, disciplined, well-behaved, decorous, compliant, amenable
    antonym: disorderly