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Từ điển Việt - Anh
Tra từ
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Vietgle Tra từ
Từ điển Việt - Anh
tính từ
Diagonal, bias, slanting, oblique, slanting, skew
to cut a piece of cloth on the bias
to jump obliquely sideways
to drive the ball obliquely
Crossed, crosswise, crisscross
sideways and lanes crisscross like a weaving pattern
To knit crosswise, to plait crosswise
to fire crosswise, to lay a cross fire
danh từ
Diagonal cloth; diagonal (đường chéo góc)
diagonal cotton cloth, twill
diagonal silk
Bias piece
to tie (something) to the bias piece of a headkerchief, to tie (something) to a corner of a handkerchief
a headkerchief cut on the bias, a triangular headkerchief
a diagonal
a bias-shaped plot of field, a triangular field