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Từ điển Việt - Anh
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Từ điển Việt - Anh
không sao
[không sao]
A starless night
The meat is safe for eating
no problem; nothing's the matter; there's nothing the matter; there's nothing wrong
What's wrong with your moto ? - No problem !; Nothing's the matter (with it) !; There's nothing wrong (with it) !
You cough too much. What's wrong with you? - No problem !; Nothing's the matter (with me) !; There's nothing wrong (with me) !
OK; all right
Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your blood pressure; Don't worry, your blood pressure is all right!
She's had a traffic accident, but she's all right
You look very pale. Are you all right/OK?
Don't worry about me, I'm OK/all right
cannot do something
I have consulted many dictionaries, but I cannot understand this idiom