(flō) verb
flowing, flows
, intransitive
a. To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid. b. To issue in a stream; pour forth: Sap flowed from the gash in the tree.
2. To circulate, as the blood in the body.
3. To move with a continual shifting of the component particles: wheat flowing into the bin; traffic flowing through the tunnel.
4. To proceed steadily and easily: The preparations flowed smoothly.
5. To exhibit a smooth or graceful continuity: The cadence of the poem flowed gracefully.
6. To hang loosely and gracefully: The cape flowed from his shoulders.
7. To rise. Used of the tide.
8. To arise; derive: Several conclusions flow from this hypothesis.
9. a. To abound or teem: coffers flowing with treasure. b. To stream copiously; flood: Contributions flowed in from all parts of the country.
10. To menstruate.
11. To undergo plastic deformation without cracking or breaking. Used of rocks, metals, or minerals.
, transitive
To release as a flow: trees flowing thin sap.
To cause to flow: "One of the real keys to success is developing a system where you can flow traffic to yourselves" (Marc Klee).
a. The act of flowing. b. The smooth motion characteristic of fluids.
2. a. A stream or current. b. A flood or an overflow. c. A residual mass that has stopped flowing: a hardened lava flow.
3. a. A continuous output or outpouring: a flow of ideas; produced a steady flow of articles and stories. b. A continuous movement or circulation: the flow of traffic; a flow of paperwork across his desk.
4. The amount that flows in a given period of time.
5. The rising of the tide.
6. Continuity and smoothness of appearance.
7. A general movement or tendency: As the lone dissenter in the group, she was going against the flow of opinion.
8. The sequence in which operations are performed.
9. An apparent ease or effortlessness of performance: "An athlete must learn to forget the details of his or her training to achieve the instinctive sense of flow that characterizes a champion" (Frederick Turner).
10. Menstrual discharge.
[Middle English flouen, from Old English flōwan.]
ʹingly adverb
flow, current, flood, flux, rush, stream, tide. The central meaning shared by these nouns is "something suggestive of running water": a flow of thought; the current of history; a flood of ideas; a flux of words; a rush of sympathy; a stream of complaints; a tide of immigration. See also synonyms at stem1.