spoon (spn) noun
1. A utensil consisting of a small, shallow bowl on a handle, used in preparing, serving, or eating food.
2. Something similar to this utensil or its bowl, as: a. A shiny, curved, metallic fishing lure. b. A paddle or an oar with a curved blade.
3. Sports. The three wood golf club.
spooned, spooning, spoons
verb, transitive
1. To lift, scoop up, or carry with or as if with a spoon.
2. Sports & Games. To shove or scoop (a ball) into the air.
verb, intransitive
1. To fish with a spoon lure.
2. Sports & Games. To give a ball an upward scoop.
3. Informal. To engage in amorous behavior, such as kissing or caressing.
[Middle English, from Old English spōn, chip of wood.]
spoonʹable adjective