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Từ điển Anh - Việt
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đòi (quyền lợi...)
đòi quyền lợi
đòi quyền lợi của mình
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khẳng định; giữ vững, bảo vệ
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khẳng định; giữ vững, bảo vệ
Từ điển Anh - Anh


assert (ə-sûrtʹ) verb, transitive

asserted, asserting, asserts

1. To state or express positively; affirm: asserted his innocence.

2. To defend or maintain (one's rights, for example).

3. To put (oneself) forward boldly or forcefully in an effort to make an opinion known, for example: I had to assert myself in the meeting in order to ensure acquisition of the new book.


[Latin asserere, assert- : ad-, ad- + serere, to join.]

assertʹable or assertʹible adjective

assertʹer or asserʹtor noun

Synonyms: assert, asseverate, declare, affirm, aver, avow. These verbs all mean to make a positive statement. To assert is to state one's opinion confidently but often without proof to support it: "I have endeavored to assert nothing but what I had good authority for" (William Sewel). Asseverate connotes sober sincerity of assertion: "The taxpayer also asseverates that his return from Greece proves conclusively that his intentions were and are honorable" (Daily Report for Executives). Declare has the approximate force of assert but may suggest formality of statement and authority in the speaker: Congress declared that it would reduce the budget deficit. Affirm and aver stress the speaker's confidence in the validity of the statement: Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets. She averred that solitude was necessary for creative work. Avow implies frank and open acknowledgment or admission: "thinks the book succeeds in achieving its avowed purpose: to explain how the Court's current role evolved through history" (Tony Mauro).

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
assert (v)
  • declare, insist on, proclaim, state, avow (formal), emphasize, stress, affirm, aver (formal), claim, allege, contend
    antonym: deny
  • stand up for, profess, defend, maintain, uphold, support, champion, insist on, renounce