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Kết quả từ 3 từ điển
Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
mèo rừng; linh miêu
tính từ
liều; liều lĩnh
một kết hoạch liều lĩnh; một mưu đồ liều lĩnh
cuộc đình công bất ngờ và không chính thức của công nhân
Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
Kỹ thuật
giếng tìm kiến (trên một vùng chưa biết)
Từ điển Anh - Anh


wildcat (wīldʹkăt) noun

1. Any of various wild felines of small to medium size, especially of the genus Lynx, including the bobcat and the caracal.

2. Either of two small felines (Felis silvestris subsp. silvestris or subsp. lybica) of Europe, Asia, and Africa, often regarded as being the ancestor of the domestic cat.

3. a. A quick-tempered person. b. A person regarded as fierce.

4. An oil or natural-gas well drilled in an area not known to be productive.

5. A workers' strike unauthorized by their union.


1. a. Risky or unsound, especially financially. b. Issued by a financially irresponsible bank: wildcat currency. c. Operating or accomplished outside the norms of standard, ethical business procedures: wildcat life insurance schemes.

2. Of, relating to, or being an oil or natural-gas well drilled speculatively in an area not known to be productive.

3. Undertaken by workers without approval of the officials of their union: a wildcat strike.


wildcatted, wildcatting, wildcats


verb, transitive

To prospect for (oil, for example) in an area supposed to be unproductive.

verb, intransitive

1. To prospect for oil or other minerals in an area not known to be productive.

2. To go out on an unauthorized labor strike.