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Từ điển Anh - Việt
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người tôn thờ; người sùng tín, kẻ sùng đạo
một người sùng Phật
người sốt sắng, người nhiệt tâm
người sốt sắng với hoà bình
người nhiệt tâm với khoa học
người hâm mộ, người ham thích (mỹ thuật, thể thao...)
người ham thích bóng đá
Từ điển Anh - Anh


votary (vōʹtə-rē) noun

plural votaries

1. a. A person bound by vows to live a life of religious worship or service. b. A devout adherent of a cult or religion; a committed worshiper: the votaries of Aphrodite.

2. A person who is fervently devoted, as to a leader or an ideal; a faithful follower.

3. A person who is filled with enthusiasm, as for a pursuit or hobby; an enthusiast.


[From Latin vōtum, vow. See vote.]

Synonyms: votary, devotee, habitué. These nouns refer to one who is devoted to a person, a cause, or an activity. Both votary and devotee originally referred to religious dedication but can also denote attachment to a pursuit such as a branch of learning or enthusiasm for something such as a hobby: "the cultured votary of science" (Francis Marion Crawford). "The almighty dollar, that great object of universal devotion throughout our land, seems to have no genuine devotees in these peculiar villages" (Washington Irving). A habitué regularly frequents a place, especially one offering a particular pleasurable activity: a habitué of the racetrack.