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Từ điển Anh - Việt
ngoại động từ
làm cho tự mình phải gánh chịu (cái gì xấu); chịu, gánh, mắc
mắc nợ
gánh chịu chi phí
chịu thiệt hại
chịu phạt, nhận hình phạt
Từ điển Anh - Anh


incur (ĭn-kûrʹ) verb, transitive

incurred, incurring, incurs

1. To acquire or come into (something usually undesirable); sustain: incurred substantial losses during the stock market crash.

2. To become liable or subject to as a result of one's actions; bring upon oneself: incur the anger of a friend.


[Middle English incurren, from Old French encorir, from Latin incurrere, to run upon : in-, on. See in-2 + currere, to run.]

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
incur (v)
  • experience, suffer, sustain, bring upon yourself, lay yourself open to, invite, acquire, earn, gain, deserve, meet with, encounter, come in for
    antonym: avoid
  • sustain, meet with, encounter, experience, suffer, come in for