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Từ điển Anh - Việt
Cách viết khác : fibre ['faibə]
như fibre
Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
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sợi, xơ, thớ; phíp
Sinh học
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thớ, sợi
Xây dựng, Kiến trúc
sợi, xơ, thớ; phíp
Từ điển Anh - Anh


fiber (fīʹbər) noun

1. A slender, elongated, threadlike object or structure.

2. Botany. One of the elongated, thick-walled cells that give strength and support to plant tissue.

3. Anatomy. a. Any of the filaments constituting the extracellular matrix of connective tissue. b. Any of various elongated cells or threadlike structures, especially a muscle fiber or a nerve fiber.

4. a. A natural or synthetic filament, as of cotton or nylon, capable of being spun into yarn. b. Material made of such filaments.

5. a. Something that provides substance or texture. b. Essential character or structure: "stirred the deeper fibers of my nature" (Oscar Wilde). c. Basic strength or toughness; fortitude: lacking in moral fiber.

6. Coarse, indigestible plant matter, consisting primarily of polysaccharides such as cellulose, that when eaten stimulates intestinal peristalsis. In this sense, also called bulk, roughage.


[French fibre, from Old French, from Latin fibra.]

fiʹbered adjective

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
fiber (n)
  • thread, yarn, string, filament, twine, strand
  • makeup, composition, structure, character, stuff, grain
  • grit, strength, fortitude, backbone, character, integrity
    antonym: weakness
  • fiber (types of)
    burlap, coconut matting, coir, fiberglass, hessian, jute, matting, raffia, ramie, sisal