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Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
súc vật, thú vật
kẻ cục súc, kẻ vũ phu
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(thuộc) súc vật
cục súc, vũ phu
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hung ác, tàn bạo
(thuộc) xác thịt, nhục dục
Từ điển Anh - Anh


brute (brt) noun

1. An animal; a beast.

2. A brutal, crude, or insensitive person.


1. Of or relating to beasts; animal: "None of the brute creation requires more than food and shelter" (Henry David Thoreau).

2. Characteristic of a brute, especially: a. Entirely physical: brute force. b. Lacking or showing a lack of reason or intelligence: a brute impulse. c. Savage; cruel: brute coercion. d. Unremittingly severe: was driven to steal food through brute necessity.

3. Coarse; brutish.


[From Middle English, nonhuman, from Old French brut, from Latin brūtus, stupid.]

brutʹism noun

Synonyms: brute, animal, brutish, brutal, beastly, bestial. These adjectives apply to what is more characteristic of lower animals than of human beings. Brute, the least derogatory, stresses a lack of the understanding or sensibility regarded as distinguishing people from animals: brute force. Animal emphasizes physical nature as opposed to intellect or spirit: animal vitality. Brutishstresses marked lack of human refinement and sensitivity: He had the look of a dull and brutish man. Brutal emphasizes unfeeling cruelty: "the brutal amusements of the bullbaiting or the cockpit" (William Howitt). Both beastly and bestial imply degeneracy or moral degradation: indulging beastly desires; bestial and sordid drunkenness. Beastly, however, is often used to characterize what is merely very disagreeable: What a beastly storm!

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
brute (adj)
physical, instinctive, visceral, instinctual, basic, base
antonym: refined
brute (n)
  • bully, thug, beast, swine, monster
  • animal, beast, creature, monster