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Kết quả từ 3 từ điển
Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
( opinion of / about somebody / something ) ý kiến; quan điểm
các quan điểm chính trị
anh nghĩ sao về giám đốc của anh?
cần phải tham khảo ý kiến ông chủ tịch
người ta yêu cầu ông ấy cho biết ý kiến thẳng thắn
theo ý kiến tôi
một vấn đề có thể tranh cãi
anh nên hỏi ý kiến một lần nữa trước khi để cho ông ấy nhổ sạch răng của anh
dư luận
dư luận chung; công luận
dư luận đang chuyển sang ủng hộ kế hoạch mới
sự đánh giá
đánh giá cao người nào
không đánh giá ai cao
đánh giá thấp
cho rằng, nghĩ rằng
xem consider
Từ điển Anh - Anh


opinion (ə-pĭnʹyən) noun

1. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: "The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion" (Elizabeth Drew).

2. A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion.

3. A judgment or an estimation of the merit of a person or thing: has a low opinion of braggarts.

4. The prevailing view: public opinion.

5. Law. A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.


[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin opīniō, opīniōn-.]

Synonyms: opinion, view, sentiment, feeling, belief, conviction, persuasion. These nouns signify something a person believes or accepts as being sound or true. Opinion is applicable to a judgment, especially a personal judgment, based on grounds insufficient to rule out the possibility of dispute: It is wise to seek a second medical opinion before submitting to surgery. "A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great Government of the United States helpless and contemptible" (Woodrow Wilson). View stresses individuality of outlook: "My view is . . . that freedom of speech means that you shall not do something to people either for the views they have or the views they express" (Hugo L. Black). Sentiment and especially feeling stress the role of emotion as a determinant: "If men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences . . . reason is of no use to us" (George Washington). The economist gave us her feelings on the causes of inflation. A belief is a conclusion, not necessarily derived firsthand, to which one subscribes strongly: "Our belief in any particular natural law cannot have a safer basis than our unsuccessful critical attempts to refute it" (Karl Popper). Conviction is a belief that excludes doubt: "Responsible journalism is journalism responsible in the last analysis to the editor's own conviction of what, whether interesting or only important, is in the public interest" (Walter Lippmann). Persuasion applies to a confidently held opinion not necessarily based on intellectual considerations: "He had a strong persuasion that Likeman was wrong" (H.G. Wells).

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
opinion (n)
view, estimation, belief, judgment, attitude, outlook