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media filter

media filter

media filter (dē-ə fil`tər) noun

1. A device used with local area networks as an adapter between two different types of media. For example, an RJ-45 connector might be used between coaxial cable and unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cables. Media filters are similar in function to transceivers. As with many components to local area networks, manufacturers often choose different names for similar products, so a local area network expert is needed to decide what media filters are required for a particular local area network. See also coaxial cable, connector, local area network, transceiver, unshielded twisted pair.

2. A device added to data networks to filter out electronic noise from the environment. For example, a media filter might be added to an Ethernet network based on coaxial cabling to prevent data loss from interference by nearby electronic equipment. See also coaxial cable, Ethernet.