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Vietgle Tra từ
Từ điển Anh - Anh


just (jŭst) adjective

1. Honorable and fair in one's dealings and actions: a just ruler. See synonyms at fair1.

2. Consistent with what is morally right; righteous: a just cause.

3. Properly due or merited: just deserts.

4. Law. Valid within the law; lawful: just claims.

5. Suitable or proper in nature; fitting: a just touch of solemnity.

6. Based on fact or sound reason; well-founded: a just appraisal.


(jəst, jĭst; jŭst when stressed)

1. Precisely; exactly: just enough salt.

2. Only a moment ago: He just arrived.

3. By a narrow margin; barely: just missed being hit; just caught the bus before it pulled away.

4. At a little distance: just down the road.

5. Merely; only: just a scratch.

6. Simply; certainly: It's just beautiful!

7. Perhaps; possibly: I just may go.


just about

Almost; very nearly: This job is just about done.

just now

Only a moment ago.

just the same



[Middle English juste, from Old French, from Latin iūstus.]

justʹly adverb

justʹness noun