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Vietgle Tra từ
Từ điển Anh - Anh


bang (băng) noun

1. A sudden loud noise, as of an explosion.

2. A sudden loud blow or bump.

3. Informal. A sudden burst of action: The campaign started off with a bang.

4. Slang. A sense of excitement; a thrill: We got a bang out of watching the old movies.


banged, banging, bangs


verb, transitive

1. To strike heavily and often repeatedly; bump.

2. To close suddenly and loudly; slam.

3. To handle noisily or violently: banged the pots in the kitchen.

4. Vulgar Slang. To have sexual intercourse with.

verb, intransitive

1. To make a sudden loud, explosive noise.

2. To crash noisily against or into something: My elbow banged against the door.


Exactly; precisely: The arrow hit bang on the target.

phrasal verb.

bang away

1. To assail insistently, especially with questions.

2. To work diligently and often at length: banged away at the project until it was finished.

bang up

To damage extensively: banged up the car.


[Probably from Old Norse bang, a hammering.]