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Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
người hạ đẳng (ở Ân-độ)
người cùng khổ
(nghĩa bóng) người bị xã hội bỏ rơi, người sống ngoài lề xã hội
Từ điển Anh - Anh


pariah (pə-rīʹə) noun

1. A social outcast: "Shortly Tom came upon the juvenile pariah of the village, Huckleberry Finn, son of the town drunkard" (Mark Twain).

2. A member of a low caste of agricultural and domestic workers in southern India and Burma.


[Tamil paṛaiyar pl. of paṛaiyan, pariah caste, from paṛai, festival drum.]

Word History: In the word pariah, which can be used for anyone who is a social outcast, independent of social position, we have a reminder of a much more rigid social system, where only certain people could be pariahs. The caste system of India placed members of the pariah caste very low in society; until 1949 they were also known as untouchables. The word pariah, however, which we have extended in meaning, came into English from Tamil paṛaiyar, the plural of paṛaiyan, the caste name, which literally means "(hereditary) drummer" and comes from the word paṛai, the name of a drum used at certain festivals. The word is first recorded in English in 1613. Its use in English and its extension in use probably owe much to the close relationship that developed between Great Britain and India. Indeed, many of the British servants in India were from the pariah caste.