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page (pāj) noun

1. Abbr. p., pg. a. One side of a leaf, as of a book, letter, newspaper, or manuscript, especially the entire leaf: tore a page from the book. b. The writing or printing on one side of a leaf. c. The type set for printing one side of a leaf.

2. A noteworthy or memorable event: a new page in history.

3. Computer Science. a. A quantity of memory storage equal to between 512 and 4,096 bytes. b. A quantity of source program coding equal to between 8 and 64 lines.

4. pages A source or record of knowledge: in the pages of science.

verb, transitive

paged, paging, pages

1. To number the pages of; paginate.

2. To turn the pages of: page through a magazine.


[French, alteration of Old French pagine, from Latin pāgina.]

pageʹful noun