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joust (joust, jŭst, jst) also just (jŭst) noun

1. a. A combat between two mounted knights or men-at-arms using lances; a tilting match. b. jousts A series of tilting matches; a tournament.

2. A personal competition or combat suggestive of combat with lances: a politician who relishes a joust with reporters.

verb, intransitive

jousted also justed, jousting justing, jousts justs

1. To engage in mounted combat with lances; tilt.

2. To engage in a personal combat or competition.


[Middle English, from Old French juste, from juster, to joust, from Vulgar Latin *iuxtāre, to be next to, from Latin iuxtā, close by.]

joustʹer noun

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
joust (v)
battle, compete, contend, contest, engage, fight, tilt, bicker, spar, squabble, dispute, argue, wrangle
antonym: agree