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Từ điển Anh - Việt
Cách viết khác : gaol [dʒeil]
như gaol
Từ điển Anh - Anh


jail (jāl) noun

1. A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention; a prison.

2. Detention in a jail.

noun, attributive.

Often used to modify another noun: a jail population; jail conditions.

verb, transitive

jailed, jailing, jails

To detain in custody; imprison.

[From Middle English jaiole (from Old French) and from Middle English gaiol, gaol (from Old North French gaiole), both from Vulgar Latin *gaviola, from Latin *caveola diminutive of cavea, cage, hollow.]

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
jail (n)
prison, penitentiary, lockup, detention home, secure unit, dungeon, open prison, oubliette, borstal, remand home
jail (v)
imprison, lock up, put away (informal), lock away, put behind bars, incarcerate (formal), confine, detain
antonym: free