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Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
circuit board
Kỹ thuật
bảng mạch
Tin học
bảng mạch, board (bo) mạch. Một tấm plastic chẳng trên đó có gắn sắn các mạch dẫn điện. Đồng nghĩa với bảng mạch in ( printed circuit board). Xem adapter , card , và mother board
Từ điển Anh - Anh
circuit board

circuit board


circuit board (rkət bōrd`) noun

A flat piece of insulating material, such as epoxy or phenolic resin, on which electrical components are mounted and interconnected to form a circuit. Most modern circuit boards use patterns of copper foil to interconnect the components. The foil layers may be on one or both sides of the board and, in more advanced designs, in several layers within the board. A printed circuit board is one in which the pattern of copper foil is laid down by a printing process such as photolithography. See also board, printed circuit board.