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ung dung
không trịnh trọng, phóng túng
Từ điển Anh - Anh


cavalier (və-lîrʹ) noun

1. Abbr. cav. A gallant or chivalrous man, especially one serving as escort to a woman of high social position; a gentleman.

2. Abbr. cav. A mounted soldier; a knight.

3. Cavalier A supporter of Charles I of England in his struggles against Parliament. Also called Royalist.


1. Showing arrogant or offhand disregard; dismissive: a cavalier attitude toward the suffering of others.

2. Carefree and nonchalant; jaunty.

3. Cavalier Of or relating to a group of 17th-century English poets associated with the court of Charles I.


[French, horseman, from Old Italian cavaliere, from Medieval Latin caballārius, from Latin caballus, horse.]

cavalierʹly adverb

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
cavalier (adj)
careless, offhand, inconsiderate, high-handed, arrogant, haughty, casual, rude
antonym: polite
cavalier (n)
knight, caballero, knight-errant, adventurer